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This study by Tyton Partners, a strategy and business consultant to the global knowledge sector - identifies key areas to improve student support services in higher education through large-scale surveys. They found four main barriers: 1) Awareness, with a disconnect between the available support services institutions claim to provide and students' awareness of these services, stressing the need for more active communication and less passive methods like website postings. 2) Belonging, where students aware of non-academic support services feel a greater sense of belonging and hence have improved student outcomes. 3) Coordination, pointing to a lack of integration among various student support services and the need for better user experience with integration technologies. 4) Turnover, indicating that high caseloads can negatively impact the retention of skilled academic advisors, which could be mitigated by clearer career paths and salary increases.

Harvard Business Review 

Women’s Soccer vs. NYU 

Sept. 23, 2023 at 11am

Innovation Day 2023

Sept. 23, 2023 at 11am

University Symphony Orchestra

Sept. 23, 2023 at 11am

Student Council Elections

Sept. 23, 2023 at 11am

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